Saturday 20 February 2010

Lamb Slices with Scallion

The main characteristics of this cuisine:
Mutton Huanen, delicious does not smell of mutton, Wang-oil sauce, fresh food for thought later. The meat is tenderness, slight onion flavor.

In the following, I will give a short introduction of how this cuisine has been cooked.

• Ingredients: lamb (legs) (150 g), green onions (150 grams)
• Seasoning: Vegetable oil (25 g), sesame oil (5 grams) of soy sauce (15 grams), Garlic (15 grams), wine (10 grams), vinegar (5 g), Ginger (5 grams)

• Operation:
1. Lamb with soy sauce, chicken and dried starch grasping mix, marinate for 10 minutes, poured extra sauce, drain backup.
2. Put up fire so as to heat two tablespoons oil in wok until very hot, stir-fried lamb 1 minute, and then pour it into the pot.

3. Fire wok heat 1 tablespoon of oil, into the onion silk, sliced onion, scallion, stir-2 minutes to the wafting aroma. Jiang roasted lamb wok with stir fry, and transferred to white vinegar, sesame oil, as well as white sugar.
4. Wok to stir-fry of all the materials in the flat-bottomed pan for about 2 minutes, and keep up the fire to heat, and at last, just pour into water, starch can thicken slightly.

Healthy tips:
1. Mutton nourishing qi, warm the Yang Wei.
2. Mutton, in addition to rich in protein, but also contains large amounts of vitamin B1, and the onions with the food, can promote its absorption.
3. Dish of replenishing qi and blood, suitable for the infirm consumption.

This picture is took and edited myself.


  1. After reading ur blog, I wanna learn cooking skills from u. ^_^ Would u mind?
